Pareto Chart
The Pareto Chart is bar graph used in quality control studies. The bars represent the categories and are ordered in an increasing fashion. Moreover, a broken line is added to show the cumulative sums.
The types of defects for each board rejected at final inspection during a time period are given with their frequencies.
>install.packages("qcc") # Installing the package "qcc" if not yet installed
>require(qcc) # Loading the package into the R-workspace
>defect=c(112,35,10,8,5,12) # Assigning the frequency as defect
>names(defect)=c("Low copper Plating","Poor electroless coverage.","Lamination Problems","Plating Separation",
"Etching Problems","Miscellaneous") # Assigning the types of defect
>pareto.chart(defect) #Obtaining the Pareto chart